Topics in Early Childhood Education

Monday, August 29, 2011

We Need Good People to be Teachers

School began at the university again last week. It is difficult to believe that another school year has begun. I am teaching an "Introduction to Teaching" course this semester and I have a wonderful group. I am thrilled with the caliber of people who are considering being a teacher. It always reminds me of the hope I have for the best people to be in the classroom. I know it doesn't always happen because a teacher's salary is not very tempting, at least in my state. It is also a demanding and difficult job at times. I hope, however, that most of these top students decide to stick it out and become an educator. It sometimes becomes difficult for me to put a positive spin on negative reports in the media. But, I just try to constantly remind them that the most magical place on earth can be an effective classroom, because it changes a child's life. Many of the folks in my class this morning are there because they had a great teacher who made their life better. I wish all teachers realized what a difference they can make.
I was also thinking this week about my student teachers from last year who are now beginning their teaching career in a classroom. What an experience they are having and will continue to have if they keep their focus on why they decided to teach. Some of the best people I have ever met were in that group and I know they will influence lives for the better.
The best and the brightest, with the focus on the kids, makes all the difference for a child.



At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in school to become a teacher right now, and I couldn't agree with you more. There are some things in this world much more important than a paycheck; providing students with a quality education that will last a lifetime is one of them.

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous CBarbosa said...

Hi John,
I was fortunate to have a great mentor who encouraged and supported me in all my endeavors, which is why I became an early childhood educator. Currently, I am working in a Head Start program with 3-5 years olds and my experiences have been very positive! I truly believe that you must have a calling to teach young children.
It is quite a compliment when I see former parents and students and they are able to share and recall positive experiences they had in my classroom. I think besides seeing the children grow and progress, that is one of the most rewarding experiences a teacher can have.

PS I like your idea of the i'm ready for kindergarten back pack. What types of materials are included in it and where can it be accessed?

At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just started my second year as a preschool teacher. After spending a few years subbing in a daycare, I have seen teachers who were either burnt out or just not meant to teach. We definately need good teachers. I myself love it and can't believe they actually pay me (although not much) to teach my sweet little students.

At 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teaching is the best job I could have ever chosen. I learn more from my kindergartners than I could ever teach them!

I miss the U and I've only been away one semester! Hope things are going well for the amazing professors at the U this year! Good luck with everything Jon!

At 11:00 AM, Anonymous K.C said...

I've been an teacher's assistant for 6 years now. I've learned alot from each one of them, that I decieded to go back to school to obtain my Type 04. I know that some teachers don't make alot of money but I see what an impact that teachers have on thier students. That's something that I would love to have in my classroom.

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous C.Heath said...

I agree that we need good teachers. I was inspired by my fourth grade teacher to become a teacher.She made such a positive difference in my life, that I wanted to have that same impact on the children I work with today. I believe that you should continue to educate yourself and strive to be all that you can be for your students.

At 4:44 AM, Blogger gZrs25Yy said...

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At 2:07 AM, Blogger Make Me Genius said...

Very well articulated. Problem with today's education system is that there is less emphasis on understanding the concepts,it is more of memorizing the old stuff. Children need to be encouraged to ask questions rather than remebering anaswers.Children Education is an area which needs lot more indepth revamp if human needs to grow faster & wiser.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am in school now to become an Early Childhood Educator and I have 1 year until I graduate. I completely agree with this blog entry. I believe we need good hearted people as teachers! Anyone who becomes a teacher is obviously not in it for the pay, they are in it because they have the drive and passion to educate students. I want to make this world a better place, and if that means touching 1 student's life, well then I would feel like I did my job.


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