I had the distinct pleasure of attending a gallery stroll for a 6 year-old boy the other day. We had been invited by his father, who collects art, to see his son's exhibit. They had scheduled a local small gallery in one of our malls and we arrived to see the art that Nathan had created. I guess I went on the assumption that the reason for the stroll was because there was an amazing 6 year-old artist. He ended up being much more than just amazing. His art was the art of a 6 year-old child. However, his thought processes, his explanations, and the creativity he displayed through his art were the most incredible things of all. He was dressed in a suit, his art was arranged in a fabulous array of displays, and there were even refreshments. I was astounded by the planning and preparations that his family had gone through to produce a wonderful evening. Nathan was elated and played the part of an amazing host. As I was watching this scene unfold in the gallery I thought how fortunate he was to have a family who makes such a great effort to support his interests and budding talent. Wouldn't it be wonderful if every 6 year-old child could feel that level of support, encouragement, and love. It did make me start thinking about what else I can do to support my grandchildren....
I love this ideal, we have an art class for our children and I would love to do an art show to display all their great work.
This was really an amazing example of preparing this young man for the future. It also displays how important of a role family plays in producing positive experiences in the lives of the youth.
Denise P.
I enjoyed reading this wonderful story of this 6 year old. It is always important to support our young children and their creative minds. Whenever my son brings home an art picture I display it throughout the house for him and others to see. Just like the other commenter said I would love to have an art display within my classroom one day so that the parents can see what the children are doing in the classroom.
The support by family is so important in a child's life and their support can help him to extend his wings and fly!
This idea of art showing can be on a smaller scale in the home or backyard. Works can be framed or if outdoors frames can be made using natural materials such as leaves or sticks and hung on branches. Invited guests can enjoy the outdoors and the exhibit.
This is a great idea. His parents sound like they know how to inspire a love for learning in their son. I am impressed that the boy spoke about his art at his gallery. Playing the role of host is an extremely important skill that isn't exercised like it should be. You could do more for them than you know. I loved being with my grandpa, he taught me so many things that you can't learn in a classroom. I think Grandparents are often untapped resources for parents. Great post.
What a wonderful story! I like your insight on many topics. I am a new blogger writing about my preschool. I left you a Lovely Blog Award on my site to pick up.
Heather Mix
An Interesting Mix
He must be blessed to have such a great family to support him.
As much as most parents would like to do this though, money is a concern to them and they support the children in their own way.
How cool is that!!! I remember creating my own art gallery in my room as a kid and inviting my family to come and buy pieces for 1c each LOL. What an amazing feeling to have a REAL gallery display of your work as a 6 year old. Will share this idea with our teachers at Manaia KIndergarten. Beverly K
The important thing is that the parents show to be very proud of the children no matter if they can make a scribble or chicken scratch, as long as they show to the children that it is the best they have ever seen.
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