Topics in Early Childhood Education

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Intro to Teaching

I have been asked to begin teaching an Introduction to Teaching course at the university. Like many other states, we are in desperate need of teachers. There is already a shortage and from all predictions it is set to become larger over the next few years. I've been given the challenge of finding and encouraging students to become teachers. A tall order since the pay is low and behavior problems seem to be on the increase. However, teaching can be rewarding for those who are truly committed. I can't imagine my life without the wonderful experiences I have had as a teacher. I have loved all ages, but my favorite will always be kindergarten. I want to teach kindergarten one more time before I die.


At 10:21 PM, Blogger Nikki said...

If you do teach kindergarten again, PLEASE let me know. We will move into the school's boundaries and have one of our kids be in your class! Even if they're supposed to be in another grade. Haha.

Too bad I'm graduated already. I would love to take another class from you! Knowing you, you will convince everyone enrolled that teaching is great. Best of luck with it.

At 5:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After teaching preschool for many years with an AA, I went back to get my BS. Now, where we live in the midwest, there aren't any teaching positions available. With all the universities spitting out teachers and teachers getting let go due to budget cuts, it is really hard to get a job. I'm now over qualified for the jobs I used to work and there isn't anything else available. I'm left with lots of student loans and work two part time jobs,secretary and cashier (both pays more than daycare positions), in order to make ends meet. Maybe someday I'll be able to work with kids again.

If your interested in becoming a teacher, remember that only some areas of our nation really need them and even then it is just in certain areas such as special ed, and middle/high school science.

At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's really important to have fun loving teachers teach our children. I think it would be great for you to teach again! You are just so fun and animating I am sure that other parents just loved you. I look forward to this class becuase I loved Children's Lit from you and this class just as good. I mean it's important to have books and reading incorporated into the classroom and have brought so much joy to my life that I want to share it with the young children to have them know that reading is enjoyable. My favorite book of all times you introduced to me. It is Olive's Ocean. The front was a little decieving but it has got to be my favorite. I can read it over and over and still get the same joy from it. But I look up to you because you are the type of teacher I want to be. Fun, lively, and just a JOY! But it's important to have teachers like that in our education system. I look forward to this class and like you saw it is my "recess" for the day because it's just so fun and it encourages and teaches me to be a better teacher. Thanks John and I look forward to this semester!!!

Patricia Moore TL 4330

At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so excited to teach! I decided I wanted to be a teacher when my oldest started kindergarten 3 years ago, but only this year is when i took the step to actually start my education in teaching. I attended your first class and I know this is going to be a load of fun! Last year in my sons second grade class he had to bring me in for a parent career day. Currently I am an Optician and I got the opportunity to do a little lesson about the anatomy of the eye and some eye diseases. It was lots of fun, some of the kids knew a lot about the eye already which surprised me! They really are smarter than I gave them credit for! HAHA I look forward to a fun and rewarding semester in your class!

Heather Saltas TL1010

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing your enthusiasm and love for teaching helps to solidify my decision to become a teacher. I am sure that teaching is becoming more and more difficult, but that means it can be all that much more rewarding. I am so excited to have a career that can make a difference in peoples lives. I look forward to a great semester in another one of your wonderful classes.

Trisha B. TL 1010-002

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

I miss cookies on quiz day. =)

At 2:14 PM, Blogger namiller said...

Thanks to you, and the many classes I took from you, when I was offered a kindergarten position I couldn't turn it down! And it is so fun and challenging and exciting! Thank you!

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Kali said...

I LOVE that you are teaching Intro to Teaching this year. You will inspire so many students to the joys of being a teacher. This year I am student teaching in 4th grade and my favorite part of the day is our literature block (thanks to you!) I am so fortunate that I have a group of kids who LOVE to read as much as I do so we talk about books and words all the time. Thanks so much for being an excellent teacher!
Kali Judkins
p.s. I can't wait for your 2008 Book List!


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